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Marco Turriziani

Author and composer,
boast of a solid academic training that enrich a spontaneous and
early approach with music. His career is in fact very wide and range
in different experiences revealing a strong eclecticism as composer and musician.

Note tratte da una poesia dell’autore francese | Corriere Tv «Novembre» è un brano musicale, adattamento di una poesia di Michel Houellebecq, nato dalla collaborazione dello scrittore francese con la Cinetic Orchestra (Mauro De Vita e Salvatore Zambataro) e Marco Turriziani, che ha composto la musica e suona la chitarra. La canzone per chitarra, fagotto e clarinetto farà parte di un album e di un cortometraggio in uscita l’anno prossimo. Su «la Lettura» #416, in edicola da domenica 17 a sabato 23 novembre, Stefano Montefiori presenta Cahier, il volume edito da La nave di Teseo (a cura di Agathe Novak-Lechevalier, traduzione di Fabrizio Ascari, pp. 390, euro 30), che raccoglie testi di (e su) Houellebecq. E un brano dell’autore, estratto dal saggio, racconta proprio la sua passione per la musica.

Notes taken from a poem by the French author | Corriere Tv «Novembre» is a musical piece, adaptation of a poem by Michel Houellebecq, born from the collaboration of the French writer with the Cinetic Orchestra (Mauro De Vita and Salvatore Zambataro) and Marco Turriziani, who composed the music and plays the guitar. The song for guitar, bassoon and clarinet will be part of an album and a short film due out next year. In «la Lettura» # 416, on newsstands from Sunday 17 to Saturday 23 November, Stefano Montefiori presents Cahier, the volume published by La nave di Teseo (edited by Agathe Novak-Lechevalier, translation by Fabrizio Ascari, pp. 390, euro 30), which collects texts by (and on) Houellebecq. And a passage by the author, extracted from the essay, tells of his passion for music.


All title written by Marco Turriziani, arranged and performed by Marco Turriziani, Carlo Delicati, Salvatore Zambataro. Engineered by Carlo Delicati
  • • Music for the Short Film Der geheimnisvolle Vulkanmann di Henning Christiansen
  • • Music for the Short Film Der geheimnisvolle Vulkanmann di Henning Christiansen
  • • Actor and music author in the theatre show Gola directed by Giulio Baraldi
  • • Partecipation at Festival de la chanson françaisee with Amandine Thiriet as musician and co-author of some music
  • • Concerts with Trio Mortacci with Pierfrancesco Ambrogio e Salvatore Zambataro in Berlin
  • • Short Film "Northern Star" by Norah Dinnen
  • •Music in a Video for The "Istituto per la Cultura italiana a Berlino"
  • Music for Euramco logo
  • Music for the "Pearl's Kingdom Park" in Sharjah UAE

Euramco Spot

Spot for Prensil Berlin

The Official Montazah Park YouTube channel

  • La Dolce Vita • Italy • France
  • Suspence • Calm after Storm
  • 60's atmosphere • Happiness
  • Drama • Abbey Road • Melanchony
  • Summer night in Rome
  • Acoustic • Psychedelic trip
  • Suspence • cat walk
  • Drama - Adventures

Abbey Rocchi Studios -
Via del Casale Rocchi, 39 -
Parco dell’Aniene Pietralata

Laboratorio Anzio 
00042 - ANZIO 

Millenium recordings